Pŵer Carbon Isel Cei Connah

Bodloni’r angen am gynhyrchu trydan carbon isel, hyblyg
Ymgynghoriad Anstatudol - ffurflen adborth

Dydd Llun 26 Chwefror 2024 i ddydd Llun 25 Mawrth 2024


Mae Uniper yn bwriadu datblygu gorsaf bŵer carbon isel newydd, hynod effeithlon gyda thechnoleg dal carbon yn ei safle yng Nghei Connah yn Sir y Fflint, Gogledd Cymru. Pe bai’n cael caniatâd ac yn cael ei ddatblygu, byddai’r prosiect yn gallu cynhyrchu pŵer carbon isel yn hyblyg ac yn ddibynadwy er mwyn diwallu’r angen cynyddol am drydan, pryd bynnag y bydd ei angen.

Os rhoddir caniatâd, disgwylir i'r orsaf bŵer newydd gael ei datblygu mewn dau gam; gyda chapasiti cychwynnol o hyd at 550MW o bŵer carbon isel, gan ehangu’n ddiweddarach i 1.1GW.

O gwblhau cam un, gallai’r prosiect gyflenwi digon o drydan i bweru’r hyn sy’n cyfateb i hyd at 1.4 miliwn o gartrefi bob blwyddyn. Gallai cam un fod yn weithredol erbyn 2030.

Rydym yn ymgynghori ar ein prosiect arfaethedig o Ddydd Llun 26 Chwefror 2024 i ddydd Llun 25 Mawrth 2024. Mae’r ymgynghoriad hwn yn rhoi cyfle i chi roi adborth a gwybodaeth yn gynnar, cyn i waith dylunio manylach gael ei wneud.

Yn dilyn y rownd hon o ymgysylltu, bydd cyfle pellach, ffurfiol i roi sylwadau ar ein cynigion yn ein hymgynghoriad statudol cyn cyflwyno ein cais am orchymyn cydsyniad datblygu i’r Arolygiaeth Gynllunio.

Llenwch y ffurflen hon i roi gwybod i ni beth yw eich barn. Os oes gennych unrhyw broblemau neu os oes angen unrhyw gymorth arnoch, ffoniwch 0800 012 9156 neu e-bostiwch ni ar info@connahsquaylcp.co.uk.

Y dyddiad cau ar gyfer derbyn ymatebion i’r ymgynghoriad gan Uniper yw 11:59pm dydd Llun 25 Mawrth 2024.

This document is also available in English.


Mae’r ffurflen adborth hon yn rhan o’n deunyddiau ymgynghori, sy’n cynnwys Llyfryn Ymgynghori ac Adroddiad Cwmpasu yr Asesiad o’r Effaith Amgylcheddol (EIA).

Mae ein holl ddeunyddiau ymgynghori, gan gynnwys y ffurflen adborth hon, i’w gweld ar ein gwefan ymgynghori: www.uniperuk.consulting/cqlcp/. Mae ein gwefan hefyd yn cynnwys manylion am sut y gallwch gael gafael ar wybodaeth ar ffurf copi caled, os ydych yn dymuno gwneud hynny. Mae'r holl ddeunyddiau ar gael yn Saesneg, neu yn y Gymraeg.

Rydym yn argymell eich bod yn darllen ein Llyfryn Ymgynghori i’ch helpu i roi adborth ar ein cynigion. Efallai y byddwch hefyd am gyfeirio at yr Adroddiad Cwmpasu EIA i gael gwybodaeth fanylach.

Beth rydym yn ymgynghori yn ei gylch

Mae’r ymgynghoriad hwn yn cael ei gynnal yn ystod cyfnod cynnar iawn y prosiect. Efallai na fydd gwybodaeth fanwl ynghylch dyluniad yr orsaf bŵer, cynllun posibl y safle a datblygiadau cysylltiedig, ar gael ar hyn o bryd. Fodd bynnag, mae gennym ddiddordeb mewn clywed eich barn am y prosiect yn ei gyfanrwydd, a'r hyn y credwch y dylem ei ystyried wrth i ni ddatblygu ein cynigion ymhellach.

Yn benodol, mae gennym ddiddordeb mewn clywed eich barn am y canlynol:

  • yr angen am y prosiect ac a ydych yn cytuno â datblygu gorsaf bŵer carbon isel newydd;
  • safle’r prosiect, gan gynnwys addasrwydd ein safle yng Nghei Connah ar gyfer gorsaf bŵer carbon isel newydd, a’n tybiaethau cychwynnol ynghylch cynllun y prosiect;
  • yr astudiaethau a’r asesiadau y byddwn yn eu cynnal fel rhan o’n EIA ac a oes unrhyw beth arall y dylem ei ystyried;
  • unrhyw fesurau ychwanegol y dylem eu hystyried yn ein cynigion yn eich barn chi; ac
  • unrhyw faterion neu sensitifrwydd lleol y dylem fod yn ymwybodol ohonynt.

Dros y misoedd nesaf, byddwn yn cynnal amrywiaeth eang o astudiaethau ac asesiadau technegol, i helpu i lywio dyluniad manwl Pŵer Carbon Isel Cei Connah. Mae gennym ddiddordeb arbennig mewn clywed am unrhyw effeithiau posibl o’r brosiect a ddylai gael eu hasesu yn eich barn chi ar hyn o bryd.

Section One: About you

Your details help us to understand who has responded to our consultation, including whether you represent any organisations, whether you have a professional interest in the project, and where you live relative to the site. This data will help us to understand how different groups of the community may be affected by the project, and how to potentially improve our consultation in future.

Please see our Privacy Notice below for details on how we will use your data.

Age range:

Please tick this box if you do not wish to receive updates from us following this consultation

1. How would you describe your interest in our proposals?

(Please tick all that apply

If you have named an organisation, please confirm this below, ensuring you have the authorisation to do so.

2. Are there any particular aspects of the Connah’s Quay Low Carbon Power project that you are most interested in or that you would like to know more about?

Tick as many boxes as apply

Section Two: the need for the project and potential benefits it could bring

This section of the feedback form relates to information contained in the introduction and project background sections of the Consultation Brochure. The questions relate to the reason that Uniper is considering developing a new low carbon power station and the potential benefits that it could bring.

Uniper is proposing to develop a new combined cycle gas turbine power station with carbon capture technology, known as the Connah’s Quay Low Carbon Power (CQLCP) project. This would help ensure we continue to provide flexible and reliable electricity generation, whilst capturing carbon emissions and supporting the UK’s transition to a low carbon energy system.

Need for the project

1. Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statement: Climate change is an important issue and action should be taken to address it.

2. Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statement: The UK needs to develop new low carbon gas fired power stations, alongside an increased roll out of other low carbon technologies such as wind, solar and nuclear, to ensure secure and stable supplies of electricity at all times.

3. Based on the information you have seen so far, do you support the development of new gas fired power stations with carbon capture and storage technology?

4. At this early stage of the project, do you support the development of a new gas fired low carbon power station, with carbon capture and storage technology at Connah’s Quay?

5. Which of the potential benefits of Connah’s Quay do you think are the most important? Please rank each option in order of importance, with 1 as the ‘most important’, to 4 as the ‘least important’, or select ‘I don’t think any of these are benefits’.

Further option:

6. Do you have any other comments relating to the need for a new low carbon power station or the benefits that it could deliver? Please provide any additional comments below.

Section Three: The proposed location of Connah’s Quay Low Carbon Power

The questions relate to the suitability of the existing Connah’s Quay power station site for a new low carbon power station, and the potential layout of the facility within the site.

Connah’s Quay is an ideal location to establish a low carbon power station – it would connect into nearby CO2 transport and storage infrastructure as part of the HyNet Cluster, and benefits from the on-hand expertise of the existing highly skilled workforce. There has also been a power station on site for over 70 years, meaning essential energy infrastructure is already in place.

1. Please indicate how suitable you believe the existing Connah’s Quay site is to develop a new low carbon power station?

Please use the space below to explain your answer.

2. Please indicate how suitable you believe the proposed indicative layout of the site would be?

Please use the space below to explain your answer.

3. Do you have any other comments relating to the potential location of a new low carbon power station at the existing Connah’s Quay site, or about the proposed site layout? In particular, are there any possible impacts or issues relating to the proposed location that we should be aware of? Please provide any additional comments below.

Section Four: The proposals for Connah’s Quay Low Carbon Power

This section of the feedback form relates to information contained in the Our Proposals section of the Consultation Brochure. The questions relate to the infrastructure that Uniper is considering developing as part of Connah’s Quay Low Carbon Power project.

The project is at an early stage of development, and our proposals may be subject to change, but it is initially expected to consist of:

  • a new 1.1 GW combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT) power station;
  • integrated carbon capture technology to enable CO2 emissions from the CCGT to be collected; and
  • a connection to regional CO2 infrastructure as part of the HyNet industrial cluster, which would enable the captured CO2 to be transported to permanent offshore storage facilities in repurposed depleted offshore gas fields.

1. Based on the information that has been provided, do you support the development of a new gas fired power station with carbon capture technology, which would be able to flexibly and reliably generate low carbon electricty to meet the growing need for power, whenever it is required?

Please use the space below to explain your answer.

2. Do you have any other comments relating to the initial proposals to develop a combined cycle gas turbine power station? In particular are there any possible impacts or issues relating to the proposed technology that we should be aware of. Please provide any additional comments below.

3. Based on the information you have been provided, do you support the development of carbon capture and storage technology, which would capture up to 95% of the CO2 emissions from the proposed power station and store them permanently in repurposed depleted offshore gas fields?

Please use the space below to explain your answer.

4. Do you have any other comments relating to the initial proposals to develop carbon capture and storage technology as part of the Connah’s Quay Low Carbon Power project? In particular are there any possible impacts or issues relating to the proposed technology that we should be aware of. Please add any additional comments below.

Section Five: Environmental Impact Assessment and Scoping

This section of the feedback form relates to information contained in the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Scoping section of the Consultation Brochure, and in the EIA Scoping Report. The questions relate to the studies and technical assessments that Uniper will undertake in the months to come to understand potential impacts of the project and to inform the design of the power station.

The assessments to be included within the EIA and presented in the Environmental Statement will consider and assess the possible ‘worst-case’ effects of the project as it pertains to each environmental topic. To understand these potential impacts from a range of perspectives, we are conducting various studies including, but not limited to, the following areas:

  • Landscape and visual impacts
  • Ecology and biodiversity
  • Air quality
  • Cultural heritage
  • Ground conditions
  • Noise and vibration
  • Water and flood risk
  • Traffic and transport

1. Are there any potential impacts of the proposed Connah’s Quay Low Carbon Power project that you would like us to consider and assess? Please use the space below to state any potential impacts that you think are particularly important and we should be aware of.

2. Are there any topics that you feel may not be included in our list of potential impacts?

Please explain your answer

Section Six: Any other comments

We would welcome any other comments you would like to make about the Connah’s Quay Low Carbon Power project. Please use the space below to address any topics not covered elsewhere in the feedback form.

Section Seven: About the consultation

1. How did you hear about the consultation?

2. How informative did you find our consultation materials?

3. Did you attend either a consultation exhibition or a virtual webinar?

4. If yes, how informative did you find the event you attended?

5. Would you like to hear more about any specific issues?

6. Do you have any comments on how we could improve the accessibility of our consultation materials, including our brochure?

7. Do you need any additional support to help you participate in future consultation activity for this project?

Cysylltwch â ni

Os oes gennych chi unrhyw sylwadau neu adborth ychwanegol, neu os hoffech chi gysylltu â thîm y prosiect, anfonwch e-bost atom ni ar info@connahsquaylcp.co.uk neu ffoniwch ni ar 0800 012 9156.

Diogelu data

Bydd Uniper a’i asiantau penodedig yn dadansoddi eich sylwadau. Gellir darparu copïau, maes o law, i Gyngor Sir y Fflint ac awdurdodau statudol perthnasol eraill fel y gellir ystyried eich sylwadau fel rhan o’r broses o wneud cais am orchymyn cydsyniad datblygu ac archwilio. Felly, gellir cyhoeddi ymatebion. Fodd bynnag, ni fydd eich manylion personol yn cael eu rhoi ar gofnod cyhoeddus. Bydd Uniper a’i asiantau penodedig yn cadw eich manylion personol yn ddiogel yn unol â’r holl ddeddfwriaeth diogelu data berthnasol a byddant yn eu defnyddio dim ond mewn cysylltiad â’r broses ymgynghori a’r cais am orchymyn cydsyniad datblygu dilynol ac, ac eithrio fel y nodir uchod, ni fyddant yn cael eu trosglwyddo i drydydd partïon. Edrychwch ar ein Hysbysiad Preifatrwydd i gael rhagor o fanylion. www.uniper.energy/privacy-policy.