Uniper UK Limited (hereafter referred to as ‘Uniper’) is exploring the potential development of a new gas-fired power station with carbon capture technology at its Connah’s Quay site, the Connah’s Quay Low Carbon Power (CQLCP) project. If consented and developed, the new power station would be capable of providing around 1.1 gigawatt (GW) (up to a maximum of 1.38 GW) of low carbon power, to help meet the growing need for electricity, whenever it is required.
We are inviting feedback on our proposals during our Statutory Consultation, taking place from Tuesday 8 October 2024 to 11:59pm on Tuesday 19 November 2024. The consultation is a formal opportunity for stakeholders and members of the local community to comment on our updated proposals before we submit an application to the Planning Inspectorate, expected to be early in 2025.
Please complete this form to let us know your thoughts. If you have any problems or need any assistance, please call us on 0800 012 9156 or email us at
You are welcome to complete only the sections of the feedback form that are relevant to you. All feedback will be reviewed and, where possible, will help shape our plans for the project.
The deadline for responses to the consultation to be received by Uniper is 11:59pm on Tuesday 19 November 2024.
Uniper will seek to obtain development consent for the CQLCP project by submitting a Development Consent Order (DCO) application to the Planning Inspectorate under the Planning Act 2008, covering Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIP).
As part of the planning process, we are currently undertaking an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), to identify any potential environmental impacts associated with the construction, operation and decommissioning phases of the project. This also considers how these have influenced design development and our approach to mitigating or avoiding any likely significant adverse effects.
A Preliminary Environmental Information Report (PEIR) – which contains preliminary environmental information on the potential effects of the project - will be consulted upon as part of the Statutory Consultation.
This feedback form is part of our consultation materials, including a Consultation Brochure and the Non-Technical Summary of the PEIR, which provides an outline of the key findings of our preliminary assessments to date.
We recommend that you read our Consultation Brochure to help you provide feedback on our proposals. You may also want to refer to the PEIR for more detailed information.
All of our consultation materials, including this feedback form, can be found on our consultation website: Our website also contains details of how you can access our materials in alternative formats, should you wish to do so. Our website and all key project materials, including this feedback form, our consultation brochure, newsletter and Non-Technical Summary of the PEIR, will be made available in Welsh.
"At Uniper, we understand the importance of being a good neighbour and believe in community involvement. Your feedback is essential in helping to shape the future of our Connah’s Quay site and I’d encourage everyone to participate in the Statutory Consultation and share your thoughts and ideas on our plans.”
Helen Rogers,
Uniper Project Manager
What we are consulting on
Proposals to develop a new gas-fired power station with carbon capture technology at Connah’s Quay are at a very early stage. Although we have initial plans for the project, we are currently going through a process of consultation and engagement with a wide range of stakeholders, including national agencies, local authorities, businesses, community groups and local residents.
In particular, we are interested to know your views about:
- the need for the project and whether you agree with developing a new low carbon power station;
- the project site, including the suitability of our Connah’s Quay site for a new low carbon power station, and our indicative project layout;
- the studies and assessments that we have undertaken as part of the PEIR and whether there is anything else that we could consider;
- any additional measures you think we should consider in our proposals; and
- any local issues or sensitivities that we should be aware of.
The views expressed by all stakeholders, along with the outcomes of environmental assessments and technical studies, will be carefully considered.
We are consulting on the Preliminary Environmental Information Report (PEIR) and inviting feedback on our proposals during our Statutory Consultation, taking place from Tuesday 8 October 2024 to 11:59pm on Tuesday 19 November 2024.
The PEIR, the Non-Technical Summary of the PEIR and our consultation brochure can be viewed on our dedicated consultation website: